Mouse Ventilator
Unique design, compact and reliable
Quiet operation
Negligible R.F. broadcasting
Impeccable finishing
The “quality-first” animal ventilators from Ugo Basile feature unique designs to ensure accuracy, durability and quietness of operation unequalled by any other ventilator. This new ventilator from Ugo Basile is ideal for use with mice and is also suitable for small birds and perinatal rats.
The valve mechanism on all of these ventilators features nearly zero dead space and superb durability with no leakage. Expired air may be channeled for analysis when used with anesthetic gases.
Principle of Operation
A unique variable stroke linkage mechanism, very similar in principle to the one used in Basile’s larger respirators, operates the piston. The reciprocating motion is adjusted and transmitted to the piston by rods and articulated joints only, which leads to minimal wear, no backlash, silent operation and exact stroke reproducibility.
Easily Adjustable Stroke Volume
The stroke volume is adjustable whether the ventilator is on or off. For the most convenient and accurate stroke volume control available, the knob and scale remain stationary, even when the piston is in motion. The valve mechanism on these ventilators features nearly zero dead space and superb durability with no leakage. Expired air may be channeled for analysis and/or recycled, when used with anesthetic gases.
Digital Stroke Rate Display
The stroke rate (breaths per minute) is feedback controlled from 50 to 300 strokes/min and displayed on an LED digital readout. A connection square of four ports (pictured at right) include intake, out to animal, return from animal and exhaust.
Optional controlled pause feature available.
Rodent Ventilators
Valve Mechanism Features Nearly Zero Dead Space
This “quality-first” line of animal ventilators from Basile is in every detail superior to competitive instruments. Their unique design ensures accuracy, durability and quietness of operation unequalled by any other ventilator.
Digital Stroke Rate Display
The stroke rate is displayed on an LED readout. These ventilators are the most accurate and reliable available, due to feedback controlled motor speed.
User Selected Pause
Model 57125 can be paused at any point in the respiration cycle for taking measurements or for gas analysis.
Easily Adjustable Stroke Volume
The stroke volume is adjustable whether the ventilator is on or off. For the most convenient and accurate stroke volume control available, the knob and scale remain stationary, even when the piston is in motion. Other advantages of this unique mechanism are the elimination of mechanical noise, reduced wear, and very low maintenance requirements.
The valve mechanism on these ventilators features nearly zero dead space and superb durability with no leakage. Expired air may be channeled for analysis and/or recycled, when used with anesthetic gases.
Cylinder/Piston Assemblies Available
Rat and mouse units are supplied with one of two easily interchangeable cylinder/piston assemblies that enable a broader range of stroke volumes.
User-friendly Set-up and Operation
The Advanced Small Animal Ventilator (50069) is a versatile and easy-to-use ventilator for mice, rats, and other small animals. Volume mode delivers a fixed tidal volume on each breath, and pressure mode causes inflation to stop at a preset airway pressure. In either mode, lung inflation is maintained at the end of inspiration until the percent inspiration (%Insp) time has elapsed. This end inspiratory pause (EIP) improves gas exchange and the overall efficiency of ventilation.
Dual Mode-Pressure or Volume
In volume mode, the ventilator operates on the proven flow-time principle, where a known airflow is delivered for a set time, thus delivering a fixed volume. In pressure mode, airflow is simply adjusted to give a suitable inspiration time. Actual tidal volume is computed and displayed on the LCD display, as well as minute ventilation (MV) and other respiratory parameters. A built-in air pump allows completely self-contained operation. This pump draws in room air, oxygen, or anesthetic gasses through a rear-panel port.
• Remote control via USB port
• Safe with oxygen and anesthesia
• Multi-animal set-ups
• Pressure or volume-cycled operation
• Mouse to guinea pig size
• Direct display of Tidal Volume and all parameters
Electronic Ventilation Control, Built-in Air Pump
The built-in air pump provides the source of inspired air. Quiet, highspeed solenoid valves built into the instrument control airflow to the animal. Ports are provided for the collection of expired air for any desired analysis.
Precise Controls
All of the standard control parameters, (e.g., cycling rate, volume and inspiration time), can be precisely regulated. Ventilatory rate is set on a ten-turn dial, and displayed on an LED digital display. A front-panel flowmeter with a needle valve controls inspiratory flowrate. Inspiratory time is controlled by a ten-turn dial, or through a parallel port.
Dual Mode Model – Pressure or Volume
For animals in imperfect ventilatory health, controlling the end-pressure reached by inspiration can be safer than controlling the volume to be inspired during a time period. Pressure/Volume Model (50076) allows this option. Airway pressure is continuously monitored by a solid state transducer, and an analog pressure signal is available for external monitoring.
In the volume mode, tidal volume is set by adjusting the flow rate and inspiratory time controls. In the pressure mode, end-inspiratory pressure is set using a calibrated ten-turn dial. A single switch instantly selects volume or pressure cycled operation.
Configuring for Mouse
Both Fixed Volume and Pressure/Volume ventilators can be configured for use with mouse using the LOW FLOW option package, 50065. Install the low flow option package inline, at the tubing junction on the front panel. The flowmeter reduces flow appropriate for use with low tidal volumes (such as from 0.1 ml-30 ml).
Features of the Pressure-Fed, Small Animal Ventilators include:
Analog output voltage proportional to ventilatory rate
Digital logic output corresponding to ventilatory phase (enables synchronizing other instruments to the animal’s ventilation)
Manual inflation button to force sighs
Toggle switch to temporarily suspend inspiration
Non-magnetic pneumatic valves
Dependable all-electronic ventilator
Wide tidal volume and rate range
Mouse to Guinea Pig size
Safe with oxygen and anesthesia
Direct readout of volume and rate
The newest generation of the pressure-fed small animal ventilator can be used during MRI imaging. The MRI ventilator is supplied with a sophisticated external, remotecontrolled high speed pneumatic valve system. The control unit is separate from all non-metallic remote components, ensuring the safety in operation.
These ventilators function on “flow-time”; i.e., inspiration flow is set and run for a known time, producing a known volume. Requires a separate source of compressed air or helium for operation of the pneumatic valves (not included.)
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Mouse Ventilator
Stroke Rate: 50 to 300 strokes/min
Rate Read-out: digital display
Stroke Volume: 0.1 to 1 ml or 0.05 to 0.5 ml depending on cylinder/piston installed
Stroke Volume Scale: 0.05 ml divisions, precision engraved
Stroke Volume Reproducibility: ± 2%
Power Requirements: 115 or 230V, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions (W x L x H): 5″ x 7.25″ x 8″ (13 x 18.5 x 20 cm)
Net Weight: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg)
Shipping Weight: 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
Rodent Ventilators
Rodent 20-180 strokes/min
Stroke Volume
Rat 1-10 ml or 3-30 ml
Mouse 0.1-1 ml or 0.5-5 ml
Stroke Volume Reproducibility ±2%
Power 115 V/60 Hz
Add V after product number for 220V/50 Hz
Tidal Volume 0.1-35 ml/min
Max. Input Pressure 10 PSI
Respiratory Rate 5-195 breaths/min
Inspiratory Time 0-5 sec
Inspiratory Flow 0.1-1.0 liter/min
Signal Outputs
Pressure Range 0-50 cm H2O
Analog Rate Out 10mV/breath/min
Analog Pressure Out 50mV/cm H2O
Logic Synch Out TTL
External Control Interface TTL
Dimensions 9.0 X 5.5 X 9.0 in.
Weight 6 lbs. (2.7kg)
Respiratory rate range 5 – 150 breaths/min
Inspiratory flow range 50 – 1000 ml/min
Inspiration/Expiration (I/E ratio) range 20 – 80%
Tidal volume range 0.1 – 30ml
Internal airpump capacity 4 lpm
Port connections 1/8″ (3mm) ID Tygon tubing
SYNC OUT connector BNC
Data Port connector DB-25S
Dimensions 9W x 5.5H x 9D in. (23 x 14 x 23cm)
Weight 12 lbs. (5.5 kg)
Power requirements 120/240V (switchable), 100VA