The Vector Array™ is an all-new probe design optimized for large animal deep brain applications (e.g. non-human primate, porcine, etc). The probe design is completely overhauled to fully take advantage of our industry-leading silicon probe technology.
The distal end of the Vector Array™ interfacing with the target region is a customizable NeuroNexus silicon microelectrode array, which has a maximum width of 175 µm and narrows to 20 µm at the tip site for the Edge design, and 75 µm for the Poly2 design. The proximal body of the Vector Array™ is a rigid metal tube (Support Body). This hybrid assembly combines a high-quality, proven neural interface at the critical region while providing the elongated probe system with a robust body.
Package # CH Connector/Headstage
V16, OV16 16 Omnetics NPD18 (2 Guideposts)
V32, OV32 32 Omnetics NPD36 (4 Guideposts)
V64 64 2x Omnetics NPD36 (4 Guideposts)