The Basile Electroconvulsive Device is designed for inducing convulsions in research animals. Consistent, reproducible current levels are produced by feedback circuitry that adjust for variance in impedance of the contact from animal to animal.
The impedance to the animal can be pre-measured and displayed, and a warning signal flashes if the impedance is too great to deliver the desired current level. The Electroconvulsive Device is supplied with auricular (ear lobe) electrodes. Corneal electrodes (57803) are optional.
An optional Biphasic Unit box may be placed between the animal and the Electroconvulsive Device to invert every other pulse. Maximum frequency in this case becomes 100Hz.
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Frequency 1-299 pulses/sec.
Shock Duration 0.1-9.9 sec.
Compliance Voltage 2.5 kV
Current Range 1-99mA
Output Impedance 0 Ohm to 25 kOhm
Pulse Width 0.1 – 0.9 ms.
Pulse Rise and Fall Time 20 µs
LED Display 0 to 199 kOhm