Neural Stimulation System

Product Code: 37

Our dual channel stimulation systems allow researchers to generate and upload two separately customizable waveform patterns to a stimulator headstage, wirelessly. We offer products for both optogenetic and electrical stimulation. TBSI’s StimWare and OptoStimWare applications allows the user direct control over the details of the uploaded stimulation pattern, including three optional tiers of nested patterns.

Each complete system is comprised of a stimulator headstage with integrated battery and all necessary accessories, including the StimWare or OptoStimWare software package. StimWare and OptoStimWare are compatible with Windows 7/8
Wirelessly Programmable:
The wireless two channel stimulator supplies stimulation patterns in real time via wireless communication with a USB dongle transceiver. StimWare enables a range of wireless headstage interaction, including external event and user triggering, and stimulator on/off control.
2 channels
Varied battery life (60mAH supply)
+/- 500uA maximum output current
50us minimum pulse width
Mill-Max connector standard

User-defined variables include:
Initial Delay
Single Pulse Current and Duration
Train Pattern (Multiple Pulses)
Stimulus Pattern (Multiple Trains)
External Event Triggering (Wireless Only)

Wireless Dual Channel Optogenetic Stimulation System
True wireless system, updates wireless stimulator headstage programming in real time
Available now for blue LED (465.6nm wavelength)
Drives two LEDs with 37mW output intensity
OptoStimWare required for operation
Wireless Dual Channel Electrical Stimulation System
True wireless system, updates wireless stimulator headstage programming in real time
Headstage provides two independently enabled and programmed stimulation channels
Up to +/- 500uA constant current output with 12 bits resolution and 50 usec accuracy

StimWare (required for operation) provides three nested tiers of programmable pulse
StimWare Pattern Generator Software
Facilities fast and easy stimulation pulse pattern programming (works exclusively with TBSI dual channel stimulators)
Supports customization of three tiers of nested stimulation patterns
Provides feedback about stimulator operational status
User settings include: initial delay, single pulse current and duration, train pattern (multiple pulses), and stimulus pattern (multiple trains)