Electronic Ventilation Control, Built-in Air Pump
The built-in air pump provides the source of inspired air. Quiet, highspeed solenoid valves built into the instrument control airflow to the animal. Ports are provided for the collection of expired air for any desired analysis.
Precise Controls
All of the standard control parameters, (e.g., cycling rate, volume and inspiration time), can be precisely regulated. Ventilatory rate is set on a ten-turn dial, and displayed on an LED digital display. A front-panel flowmeter with a needle valve controls inspiratory flowrate. Inspiratory time is controlled by a ten-turn dial, or through a parallel port.
Dual Mode Model – Pressure or Volume
For animals in imperfect ventilatory health, controlling the end-pressure reached by inspiration can be safer than controlling the volume to be inspired during a time period. Pressure/Volume Model (50076) allows this option. Airway pressure is continuously monitored by a solid state transducer, and an analog pressure signal is available for external monitoring.
In the volume mode, tidal volume is set by adjusting the flow rate and inspiratory time controls. In the pressure mode, end-inspiratory pressure is set using a calibrated ten-turn dial. A single switch instantly selects volume or pressure cycled operation.
Configuring for Mouse
Both Fixed Volume and Pressure/Volume ventilators can be configured for use with mouse using the LOW FLOW option package, 50065. Install the low flow option package inline, at the tubing junction on the front panel. The flowmeter reduces flow appropriate for use with low tidal volumes (such as from 0.1 ml-30 ml).
Features of the Pressure-Fed, Small Animal Ventilators include:
Analog output voltage proportional to ventilatory rate
Digital logic output corresponding to ventilatory phase (enables synchronizing other instruments to the animal’s ventilation)
Manual inflation button to force sighs
Toggle switch to temporarily suspend inspiration

Tidal Volume 0.1-35 ml/min
Max. Input Pressure 10 PSI
Respiratory Rate 5-195 breaths/min
Inspiratory Time 0-5 sec
Inspiratory Flow 0.1-1.0 liter/min
Signal Outputs
Pressure Range 0-50 cm H2O
Analog Rate Out 10mV/breath/min
Analog Pressure Out 50mV/cm H2O
Logic Synch Out TTL
External Control Interface TTL
Dimensions 9.0 X 5.5 X 9.0 in.
Weight 6 lbs. (2.7kg)